Heart of my own heart, whatever befall...
- "Rop tú mo baile, a Choimdiu cride:
- ní ní nech aile acht Rí secht nime.
- Rop tú mo scrútain i l-ló 's i n-aidche;
- rop tú ad-chëar im chotlud caidche.
- Rop tú mo labra, rop tú mo thuicsiu;
- rop tussu dam-sa, rob misse duit-siu.
- Rop tussu m'athair, rob mé do mac-su;
- rop tussu lem-sa, rob misse lat-su.
- Rop tú mo chathscíath, rop tú mo chlaideb;
- rop tussu m'ordan, rop tussu m'airer.
- Rop tú mo dítiu, rop tú mo daingen;
- rop tú nom-thocba i n-áentaid n-aingel.
- Rop tú cech maithius dom churp, dom anmain;
- rop tú mo flaithius i n-nim 's i talmain.
- Rop tussu t' áenur sainserc mo chride;
- ní rop nech aile acht Airdrí nime.
- Co talla forum, ré n-dul it láma,
- mo chuit, mo chotlud, ar méit do gráda.
- Rop tussu t' áenur m' urrann úais amra:
- ní chuinngim daíne ná maíne marba.
- Rop amlaid dínsiur cech sel, cech sáegul,
- mar marb oc brénad, ar t' fégad t' áenur.
- Do serc im anmain, do grád im chride,
- tabair dam amlaid, a Rí secht nime.
- Tabair dam amlaid, a Rí secht nime,
- do serc im anmain, do grád im chride.
- Go Ríg na n-uile rís íar m-búaid léire;
- ro béo i flaith nime i n-gile gréine
- A Athair inmain, cluinte mo núall-sa:
- mithig (mo-núarán!) lasin trúagán trúag-sa.
- A Chríst mo chride, cip ed dom-aire,
- a Flaith na n-uile, rop tú mo baile."
- "Be thou my vision O Lord of my heart
- None other is aught but the King of the seven heavens.
- Be thou my meditation by day and night.
- May it be thou that I behold even in my sleep.
- Be thou my speech, be thou my understanding.
- Be thou with me, be I with thee
- Be thou my father, be I thy son.
- Mayst thou be mine, may I be thine.
- Be thou my battle-shield, be thou my sword.
- Be thou my dignity, be thou my delight.
- Be thou my shelter, be thou my stronghold.
- Mayst thou raise me up to the company of the angels.
- Be thou every good to my body and soul.
- Be thou my kingdom in heaven and on earth.
- Be thou solely chief love of my heart.
- Let there be none other, O high King of Heaven.
- Till I am able to pass into thy hands,
- My treasure, my beloved through the greatness of thy love
- Be thou alone my noble and wondrous estate.
- I seek not men nor lifeless wealth.
- Be thou the constant guardian of every possession and every life.
- For our corrupt desires are dead at the mere sight of thee.
- Thy love in my soul and in my heart --
- Grant this to me, O King of the seven heavens.
- O King of the seven heavens grant me this --
- Thy love to be in my heart and in my soul.
- With the King of all, with him after victory won by piety,
- May I be in the kingdom of heaven O brightness of the son.
- Beloved Father, hear, hear my lamentations.
- Timely is the cry of woe of this miserable wretch.
- O heart of my heart, whatever befall me,
- O ruler of all, be thou my vision."
- - Original texts of the now-called Be Thou My Vision in Old Irish; English translation by Mary Byrne in 1905
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