NOTE: I feel I should make an apology for my last post...I fell asleep while writing it, and I'm pretty sure clicked the "publish post" button in my sleep.
So....God is cool. I am continually amazed at how often I stress over something, and then, really without any doing on my part, things work out even better than if I had planned it.
It's been an insane 2 weeks. First getting everything ready for the Artisan Fair at Edgehill Village, and then all the extra rehearsals in preparation for out performance at the Frist. Oh, and another reason God is cool...all last week I was really struggling with feeling completely inept as a dancer. Maybe it was stress, or lack of sleep, or simply old insecurities rearing their ugly heads, but I left just about every rehearsal feeling like the stupid dancer with no talent or ability to retain choreography or critique of any kind. But in spite of my neurosis, the Company Rose performance at the Frist went beautifully, to much critical acclaim...though personally, my feelings were primarily relief that I didn't screw anything up too terribly. And then last night I received a text message that included such extravagant, sincere and detailed praise of me as a dancer and specifically of my performance that I literally still don't even know what to say. It was encouragement that couldn't have come at a more poignant time. If I can only manage to remember that (to quote my favorite Twila Paris song of my teenage years....Andrew Collins, that was for you) God Is In Control, then maybe I will someday learn to trust and not spaz out so much all the freakin' time.

Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tonight, 6:30pm at the Frist
Ok so it's time for the bitchy, un-profound, un-inspired blah blog...
This thing is starting to seriously get in the way of my making it to bed at any form of a reasonable hour...but because I'm stubborn and competitive I have not gone to sleep before 2am for at least the past 5 or 6 days.
This week has been rough. For maybe reasons I think....not the least of which I'm sure being the fact that I think that we (Audra & I specifically) kind of actually pulled off something really cool this past weekend. We had a very direct goal and completely achieved it. And maybe even then some. So I'm coming off of a huge artistic high, and have now crashed. I've felt, insecure, annoyed, stressed, you name it. I'm' hoping somehow that being aware of these feelings will help to curb them at least a little.
Ok I've now fallen asleep 4x in the middle of writing this (and have a 8:30am rehearsal tomorrow) so Good Night world.
P.S. Anyone reading this should come to the Frist Museusm of Art tomorrow at 6:30pm. Audra & I will both be performing with Company Rose as part of the free (come people, I said FREEEEE!!!) Birth of Impressionism lecture series. It is an absolute beautiful piece of work and I'm extremely proud to be a part of it.
This thing is starting to seriously get in the way of my making it to bed at any form of a reasonable hour...but because I'm stubborn and competitive I have not gone to sleep before 2am for at least the past 5 or 6 days.
This week has been rough. For maybe reasons I think....not the least of which I'm sure being the fact that I think that we (Audra & I specifically) kind of actually pulled off something really cool this past weekend. We had a very direct goal and completely achieved it. And maybe even then some. So I'm coming off of a huge artistic high, and have now crashed. I've felt, insecure, annoyed, stressed, you name it. I'm' hoping somehow that being aware of these feelings will help to curb them at least a little.
Ok I've now fallen asleep 4x in the middle of writing this (and have a 8:30am rehearsal tomorrow) so Good Night world.
P.S. Anyone reading this should come to the Frist Museusm of Art tomorrow at 6:30pm. Audra & I will both be performing with Company Rose as part of the free (come people, I said FREEEEE!!!) Birth of Impressionism lecture series. It is an absolute beautiful piece of work and I'm extremely proud to be a part of it.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Rodney Smith obsession
A large part of today was spent planning and thinking about a photoshoot (for FALL) that we will hopefully do (at least part 1 of) on Saturday. For ideas and inspiration and I spent some time looking at various things online, including one of my absolute favorite photographers:
Um he's a complete badass.
I love how much each photo says. You just know there is so much of a story behind each image, or each character that is depicted. Everything about his images are rich...color, depth, style, story, light, beauty, structure....everything. It's like they're vague and specific at the same time...vague because he's not really giving you much information, he's leaving it up to you what the story is and what the thought behind it is...and yet each is so specifically detailed and stylized. I feel like I could stare at any one of his photos for a very, very long time without getting bored because his images exercise your's beautiful aesthetics with thought-provoking profoundness.
Oh and he has an awesome blog in which he rants and rambles and is just generally great.
I have it bookmarked in a folder entitled "Art/Ideas/Inspirations" and there have been many times that when feeling bored and uninspired I will just spend some time to get lost in his words and photos.
"When I least expect it,and I'm not looking for it, when I seem to let go completely, something wonderful happens. The more I trust my instincts - which are a combination of my intellect and emotion - the more I like the experience. The more I hold on, the more fearful I become, the more controlling I need to be, the less I seem to get."
- Rodney Smith
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
"There is a design, an alignment to cry..." just occurred to me that one week from tonight I get to see Mumford and Sons!! And then 6 days after that...I get to see them again!!!!!
If you have never heard of this band, I dare you to watch this and not be instantly enamored.
Mumford & Sons - Dustbowl Dance
Their energy is infectious...and live it's completely intoxicating. There are other acts that may put more into production, but musically, it is hands down the best live show I've ever seen.
So the camera work is not great on this one, but it's from their St. Louis show I went to in June, and I was standing right next to the girl who filmed it (I met and hung out w/ her for a little while after the show), so you're pretty much seeing it as I did....and in her defense, the reason the camera is so shaky is that everyone was so into it that the ground was literally shaking (and I don't mean that in a "I-said-"literally"-but-actually-meant-and-should-have-said-figuratively sort of way).
Roll Away Your Stone - St. Louis 6/15
Yeahhhhh, so I might be MILDLY obsessed ;) Annndd I have convinced at least a half dozen others to be almost as obsessed as I am. I have found that obsessions are always more fun in groups ;)
Ok I reeeeaaallllyyyyy should sleep now (considering that that is the third time now that I have typed waaaayyy toooooo many letters into a particular word to indicate emphasis and inflection)....I'm going to end with some of my favorite lyrics, maybe ever....
Love that will not betray you,
dismay or enslave you,
it will set you free
to be more like the man
you were made to be.
There is a design,
an alignment to cry
of my heart to see
the beauty of love
as it was made to be.
- Mumford & Sons, Sigh No More
If you have never heard of this band, I dare you to watch this and not be instantly enamored.
Mumford & Sons - Dustbowl Dance
Their energy is infectious...and live it's completely intoxicating. There are other acts that may put more into production, but musically, it is hands down the best live show I've ever seen.
So the camera work is not great on this one, but it's from their St. Louis show I went to in June, and I was standing right next to the girl who filmed it (I met and hung out w/ her for a little while after the show), so you're pretty much seeing it as I did....and in her defense, the reason the camera is so shaky is that everyone was so into it that the ground was literally shaking (and I don't mean that in a "I-said-"literally"-but-actually-meant-and-should-have-said-figuratively sort of way).
Roll Away Your Stone - St. Louis 6/15
Yeahhhhh, so I might be MILDLY obsessed ;) Annndd I have convinced at least a half dozen others to be almost as obsessed as I am. I have found that obsessions are always more fun in groups ;)
Ok I reeeeaaallllyyyyy should sleep now (considering that that is the third time now that I have typed waaaayyy toooooo many letters into a particular word to indicate emphasis and inflection)....I'm going to end with some of my favorite lyrics, maybe ever....
Love that will not betray you,
dismay or enslave you,
it will set you free
to be more like the man
you were made to be.
There is a design,
an alignment to cry
of my heart to see
the beauty of love
as it was made to be.
- Mumford & Sons, Sigh No More
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Further up and further in
Every year or so for at least the past 10 years, I re-read one of my favorite books, Hinds' Feet On High Places. It's an allegory of a Christian life, written in the 70's by a missionary named Hannah Hurnard. Every single time I read it, there is something new...a passage that I just skimmed over before that suddenly has new meaning, or a single sentence that sets off a whole thought process. Today I read the part where Much-Afraid reaches the bottom of a massive waterfall:
"Much-Afraid," said the Shepherd's voice in her ear, "what do you think of this fall of great waters in their abandonment of self-giving?"
She trembled a little as she answered. "I think they are beautiful and terrible beyond anything I ever saw before."
"Why terrible?" He asked.
"It is the leap which they have to make, the awful height from which they must cast themselves down to the depths beneath, there to be broken on the rocks."....
She gazed and gazed, then said, "It looks as though they think it is the loveliest movement in all the world, as though to cast oneself down is to abandon oneself to ecstasy and joy indescribable."...
Laughing and shouting at the top of their voices, [the waters] hurried still lower and lower, down through the meadows to the next precipice and the next glorious crisis of self-giving...
Far from suffering from the rocks, it seemed as though every obstacle in the bed of the torrent was looked upon as another object to be overcome and another lovely opportunity to find a way over or around it...
"At first sight perhaps the leap does look terrible," said the Shepherd, "but as you can see, the water itself finds no terror in it, no moment of hesitation or shrinking, only joy unspeakable and full of glory, because it is the movement natural to it. Self-giving is its life. It has only one desire, to go down and give itself with no reserve or holding back of any kind. You can see that as it obeys that glorious urge the obstacles which look so terrifying are perfectly harmless, and and indeed only add to the joy and glory of the movement."
Today as I reflected on everything that has happened to bring me where I am, here, at this place in my life, at this very moment, I was struck by how amazingly things have been provided, and how I have been led to exactly where I need to be to work towards what I have always wanted to do. Even the things that seemed like obstacles or detours were really only necessary re-directions that allowed me to obtain things that I would later need.
One of the best things about being back in Nashville has been re-connecting with the capoeira group here and being able to rediscover my absolute passion for it. One of my favorite parts about the game is the concept/philosophy that, instead of blocking an attack or seeing it as an attack at all, you go along with it and turn it into something you can use. And it's a continual flow, an exchange back and forth, not of attacks and defenses, but really of infinite counter-attacks one after another. Instead of seeing a potential obstacle as something to hold you back, you take it and use it as something to make you stronger.
I feel like what I'm hoping and dreaming to create is much bigger than me. And in order for it to work I have to get over myself - my issues, my insecurities, my fears and doubts. I have to give of myself "with no reserve or holding back of any kind", and trust. Trust my instincts, trust my Provider, and trust that each obstacle is really just a step towards something... "another lovely opportunity to find a way over or around it."
"Much-Afraid," said the Shepherd's voice in her ear, "what do you think of this fall of great waters in their abandonment of self-giving?"
She trembled a little as she answered. "I think they are beautiful and terrible beyond anything I ever saw before."
"Why terrible?" He asked.
"It is the leap which they have to make, the awful height from which they must cast themselves down to the depths beneath, there to be broken on the rocks."....
She gazed and gazed, then said, "It looks as though they think it is the loveliest movement in all the world, as though to cast oneself down is to abandon oneself to ecstasy and joy indescribable."...
Laughing and shouting at the top of their voices, [the waters] hurried still lower and lower, down through the meadows to the next precipice and the next glorious crisis of self-giving...
Far from suffering from the rocks, it seemed as though every obstacle in the bed of the torrent was looked upon as another object to be overcome and another lovely opportunity to find a way over or around it...
"At first sight perhaps the leap does look terrible," said the Shepherd, "but as you can see, the water itself finds no terror in it, no moment of hesitation or shrinking, only joy unspeakable and full of glory, because it is the movement natural to it. Self-giving is its life. It has only one desire, to go down and give itself with no reserve or holding back of any kind. You can see that as it obeys that glorious urge the obstacles which look so terrifying are perfectly harmless, and and indeed only add to the joy and glory of the movement."
Today as I reflected on everything that has happened to bring me where I am, here, at this place in my life, at this very moment, I was struck by how amazingly things have been provided, and how I have been led to exactly where I need to be to work towards what I have always wanted to do. Even the things that seemed like obstacles or detours were really only necessary re-directions that allowed me to obtain things that I would later need.
One of the best things about being back in Nashville has been re-connecting with the capoeira group here and being able to rediscover my absolute passion for it. One of my favorite parts about the game is the concept/philosophy that, instead of blocking an attack or seeing it as an attack at all, you go along with it and turn it into something you can use. And it's a continual flow, an exchange back and forth, not of attacks and defenses, but really of infinite counter-attacks one after another. Instead of seeing a potential obstacle as something to hold you back, you take it and use it as something to make you stronger.
I feel like what I'm hoping and dreaming to create is much bigger than me. And in order for it to work I have to get over myself - my issues, my insecurities, my fears and doubts. I have to give of myself "with no reserve or holding back of any kind", and trust. Trust my instincts, trust my Provider, and trust that each obstacle is really just a step towards something... "another lovely opportunity to find a way over or around it."
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Today was a good day
*NOTE: I couldn't for the life of me get this to post last night before I when to sleep, so it is being posted now at 1:30pm, 10/24/10. I will leave it up to the others as to if this makes me lose the blog challenge since I technically did miss a day of posting....though even if I lost, I still plan on continuing for at least the rest of the 30 days*
Today was a good day.
Even the things that went wrong (meaning, did not go exactly the way I planned), actually turned out to be even better than my original intentions.
I’m too tired and a little too overwhelmed to fully break down my thoughts on the artistic aspect of what I think was accomplished today....
But on a purely personal level I had a major breakthrough and am kind of in tears as I really think about it...For the past close to two years, before doing anything physical (class, rehearsal, performance), I have a prescription pain reliever that I have to take approximately an hour beforehand. It doesn’t fix everything by any means, but it takes the edge off enough to keep things from being too tense to properly warm up my muscles and joints. But today, in the midst of the craziness of the day and getting ready, I completely forget to take my pain meds....and was fine. I improv-ed on the fabric for a total of an hour and a half, then played capoeira on and off for probably 4 hours.....and didn’t even notice or realize that I had forgotten until things were already over. I’m almost afraid to hope and am knocking on wood as I say this but, I think that maybe I might have more years of this in me than I thought. Today I felt strong and invigorated as I moved and was the master of my body and of my pain instead of the other way around. And I truthfully don’t remember the last time that happened. I often refer to my body as a separate entity, because that’s what it seems like most of the time. Like I’m on one team, and it’s on the other, constantly fighting against me and trying to sabotage what I’m wanting to do. When I was diagnosed with scoliosis at 13, I think one of the hardest things to deal with was that I felt like my body had betrayed me. As a dancer, you spend so much time honing your skills and molding your body into not completely natural positions or shapes, and then, without my permission, my body went and did something that threatened to not only undo everything I had worked for, but also keep me from going any farther. As I’m thinking about it now, maybe that’s why I push myself so hard and do so many different’s an almost frantic attempt to regain control from that betrayal. But maybe instead of seeing my body as the enemy, maybe I should be trying to convince it that we are really on the same team. Even if today was not the norm, it still was a step, and it gives me hope for a future that is maybe not as downhill as I thought.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Another Awesomely Untranslatable Word
Spanish - While originally used to describe a mythical, spritelike entity that possesses humans and creates the feeling of awe of one's surroundings in nature, its meaning has transitioned into referring to "the mysterious power that a work of art has to deeply move a person."
Today during rehearsal with Company Rose we did our first full run-through of the piece we're performing at the Frist next week as part of the Birth of Impressionism exhibit. The piece includes a solo performed by one of the other dancers & as I watched it for only the second time, I was literally brought to tears. When all the elements come together - the right dancer, the right choreographer, the right music, the right movement - magic happens. The beauty is beyond words to describe. I was reminded again what I'm working towards and why I'm doing it. It's the search for duende...that moment of ecstatic beauty that is so amazing it make your heart want to burst...that makes you feel you can fly...that makes you forget about all the ugliness, all the pain and hurt in the world, and makes you believe that anything is possible............
At least that's what good art makes me feel. And it's a feeling that I crave. So much so that my greatest desire is to create something that can give that feeling to someone else.
That's the true reason why I'm starting this attempt to put more beauty into the world. To create things that make people actually feel something. To inspire and invigorate and enliven the world around me.
Tomorrow is a small first step....and also a rather large one. I'm nervous and excited and maybe a little scared. I think that if I really step back and fully comprehend how incredibly things have been provided for me for this moment, I might collapse under the weight of amazement and gratitude that I feel.
As cheesy as it is to say at the's time to just let go and fall.
Spanish - While originally used to describe a mythical, spritelike entity that possesses humans and creates the feeling of awe of one's surroundings in nature, its meaning has transitioned into referring to "the mysterious power that a work of art has to deeply move a person."
Today during rehearsal with Company Rose we did our first full run-through of the piece we're performing at the Frist next week as part of the Birth of Impressionism exhibit. The piece includes a solo performed by one of the other dancers & as I watched it for only the second time, I was literally brought to tears. When all the elements come together - the right dancer, the right choreographer, the right music, the right movement - magic happens. The beauty is beyond words to describe. I was reminded again what I'm working towards and why I'm doing it. It's the search for duende...that moment of ecstatic beauty that is so amazing it make your heart want to burst...that makes you feel you can fly...that makes you forget about all the ugliness, all the pain and hurt in the world, and makes you believe that anything is possible............
At least that's what good art makes me feel. And it's a feeling that I crave. So much so that my greatest desire is to create something that can give that feeling to someone else.
That's the true reason why I'm starting this attempt to put more beauty into the world. To create things that make people actually feel something. To inspire and invigorate and enliven the world around me.
Tomorrow is a small first step....and also a rather large one. I'm nervous and excited and maybe a little scared. I think that if I really step back and fully comprehend how incredibly things have been provided for me for this moment, I might collapse under the weight of amazement and gratitude that I feel.
As cheesy as it is to say at the's time to just let go and fall.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
10 things today has taught me...
1. It's difficult to take a picture of the back of one's own head.
2. My best friend likes her scrambled eggs with mustard
3. The East Nashville Wal-mart Market closes at midnight
4. I like rhinestones. I'm fully aware of their tackiness...but still am I inexplicably drawn to them.
5. I remembered how much I enjoy putting on makeup & experimenting with colors.
6. Kids are really funny. Thank you to Mary and Giada and Brooke and others for making me laugh today...a lot.
7. Raspberries and coffee sometimes make everything all better.
8. I have really cool friends. All of whom I am continually astounded by how much they seem to like me and are willing to contribute their time, energy, expertise, rigging equipment, etc. to help me and my crazy ideas.
9. I don't get enough sleep.
10. The next time I have an intense craving for donuts, I should just say no.
2. My best friend likes her scrambled eggs with mustard
3. The East Nashville Wal-mart Market closes at midnight
4. I like rhinestones. I'm fully aware of their tackiness...but still am I inexplicably drawn to them.
5. I remembered how much I enjoy putting on makeup & experimenting with colors.
6. Kids are really funny. Thank you to Mary and Giada and Brooke and others for making me laugh today...a lot.
7. Raspberries and coffee sometimes make everything all better.
8. I have really cool friends. All of whom I am continually astounded by how much they seem to like me and are willing to contribute their time, energy, expertise, rigging equipment, etc. to help me and my crazy ideas.
9. I don't get enough sleep.
10. The next time I have an intense craving for donuts, I should just say no.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Let's get together, yeah yeah yeah
Dance is a collaborative art form more than almost any other. It almost never just involves only one individual...even a solo is danced to music that was created at some point by someone else. In any given dance performance, there is most likely collaboration between the dancers & the choreographer, the choreographer & the costume designer, the costume designer & the lighting designer, etc. I believe that in regards to dance in particular, but art as a whole, we need to be willing to discover even more of what we can create collaboration with, not just in spite of all the other art around us. There are so many facets of creation that have not been explored...things that may not seem to go together, but in fact may be just waiting for the magic to happen.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
This Saturday, Edgehill Village
So today was a weird day. I think most of the people in Nashville took stupid pills along with their daily vitamins. Lots of miscommunication and bad drivers and weird clumsiness. But it was also extremely productive and fact, so productive and fulfilling that I now feel completely drained. And kind of also that the last thing I want to do right now is write and try to be any more creative or productive...but a challenge is a challenge ;)
So this Saturday Audra & I will be featured artists at the Edgehill Village Artisan Fair, exploring the concept of blurring the lines between dance as a performance art and a visual art. The idea is that we will be a kind of living, large-scale, installation piece.
This is kind of a big deal. I'm trying to not think too much about it, but really this is technically the debut of FALL as an entity. Granted, the company currently consists of Audra and I...and Audra and I, and Audra and I (considering all the roles that the two of us are filling, we really should count as at least a 6 person company).
I have no idea who is/will be reading this blog, but it just occurred to me that most may not have a clue what on earth I'm talking about...for anyone feeling left in the dark:
FALL is the name of the dance company that I am starting. It's the reason I moved back here to Nashville. It's the thing that I have always said I wanted to do with my life.
So um, yeah, no pressure., everyone should come on Saturday...we'll be there hanging from the ceiling intermittently between 1:00 and 4:00. I'll probably make a FB thing about it tomorrow...but for now, sleep.
So this Saturday Audra & I will be featured artists at the Edgehill Village Artisan Fair, exploring the concept of blurring the lines between dance as a performance art and a visual art. The idea is that we will be a kind of living, large-scale, installation piece.
This is kind of a big deal. I'm trying to not think too much about it, but really this is technically the debut of FALL as an entity. Granted, the company currently consists of Audra and I...and Audra and I, and Audra and I (considering all the roles that the two of us are filling, we really should count as at least a 6 person company).
I have no idea who is/will be reading this blog, but it just occurred to me that most may not have a clue what on earth I'm talking about...for anyone feeling left in the dark:
FALL is the name of the dance company that I am starting. It's the reason I moved back here to Nashville. It's the thing that I have always said I wanted to do with my life.
So um, yeah, no pressure., everyone should come on Saturday...we'll be there hanging from the ceiling intermittently between 1:00 and 4:00. I'll probably make a FB thing about it tomorrow...but for now, sleep.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Welcome To The Experimental Jetset
Flourishing, thriving, still striving, get by-ing.
Heated then hotted, then hopeful forgotten.
Languishing, lounging and thoughtfully letting,
the truth in your mouth though your heart be forgetting.
Theoretical, physical, musical playthings
are dancing and twirling and plucking on heartstrings.
The beauty so lovely is focusing onward
to forebear and beware the ominous option
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Blog challenge.....accepted.
So sometimes when I'm bored and avoiding sleep, I use Stumbleupon (which is completely awesome and everyone should use it) to surf the interweb. Last night it showed me something entitled "20 Awesomely Untranslatable Words From Around The World." #12 on the list is:
12. Torschlusspanik
German - Translated literally, this word means "gate-closing panic," but its contextual meaning refers to "the fear of diminishing opportunities as one ages."
This pretty much is what has plagued me for at least the past 5 years, but if I were to be really honest, probably more like my entire life. I've always had the thought/fear or getting or being old. Or actually maybe it's more like the fear of missing out on my one big opportunity because I was somehow distracted by another one. I've always been ridiculously indecisive. On everything from where to live for the next year, to which purple eyeliner to buy (last week I literally stood in front of the display for 15 minutes debating the pros & cons of "Currant", "Amethyst", and "Blackberry"..."Blackberry" won, in case you're curious). I think it comes from being terrified of the feeling of regret. That making the decision between 2 different things allows for the possibility that once the decision is irreversibly made, I will realize that the other one is the one I actually wanted. About 5 years ago my life came to a screeching halt and I was hit in the face with the fact that I had become so petrified of making a wrong step or decision, that I had simply quit making any. And while that was ultimately a good realization to have had, I think that in some ways it also added to the list of things that I'm afraid of screwing up (i.e. so afraid that I will once again just stop moving forward, that I have become super paranoid of it).
I don't really have a neat way to wrap up this thought fact I think that maybe this digression just opened up a whole other line of self-realization that I'm not sure I have energy to confront at this precise moment. But there you have it. I agreed to be part of this challenge kind of nonchalantly, but I'm starting to think that it will probably be very, very good for me to work out some things (yes Audra, this is me externally processing)...especially as I am embarking on this whole new creation that I'm working on (I'm sure I'll expound on that - and the title of my company/blog more in future posts). Blog entry #1 completed.
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