Spanish - While originally used to describe a mythical, spritelike entity that possesses humans and creates the feeling of awe of one's surroundings in nature, its meaning has transitioned into referring to "the mysterious power that a work of art has to deeply move a person."
Today during rehearsal with Company Rose we did our first full run-through of the piece we're performing at the Frist next week as part of the Birth of Impressionism exhibit. The piece includes a solo performed by one of the other dancers & as I watched it for only the second time, I was literally brought to tears. When all the elements come together - the right dancer, the right choreographer, the right music, the right movement - magic happens. The beauty is beyond words to describe. I was reminded again what I'm working towards and why I'm doing it. It's the search for duende...that moment of ecstatic beauty that is so amazing it make your heart want to burst...that makes you feel you can fly...that makes you forget about all the ugliness, all the pain and hurt in the world, and makes you believe that anything is possible............
At least that's what good art makes me feel. And it's a feeling that I crave. So much so that my greatest desire is to create something that can give that feeling to someone else.
That's the true reason why I'm starting this company...to attempt to put more beauty into the world. To create things that make people actually feel something. To inspire and invigorate and enliven the world around me.
Tomorrow is a small first step....and also a rather large one. I'm nervous and excited and maybe a little scared. I think that if I really step back and fully comprehend how incredibly things have been provided for me for this moment, I might collapse under the weight of amazement and gratitude that I feel.
As cheesy as it is to say at the moment.....it's time to just let go and fall.
P.S...Duende officially means elf in Spanish :) ...just had to get 'specific' in case you were wondering!